Sunday 18 March 2012

Google Public DNS reaches 70 billion DNS queries a day

Google public DNS came to life in December of 2009 as a means to help the Internet. ISPs DNS servers can be slow, spammy, or unreliable.
Well it’s grown to significant proportions . Google today said Google public DNS handles 70 billion DNS queries a day.
Which is a lot if you think about it.
What is dns? Dns is like a phone book of sorts to the Internet. It converts a domain name like arstechnica to a series of numbers ***.***.***.*** so that your computer can understand them. We dont like #’s and computers don’t like letters.
I’m surprised that google dns is handling so much traffic. It’s just absurd how much dns traffic can be done in a day.
Want to use Google dns? Easy.
Change your dns servers to and And restart your computer or router depending on where you set it. Nothing else has to be configured – just that easy.

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